
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Best Beatle Books of 2021 Authors‘ Presentations
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
For the fifth year, Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series and Jude Southerland Kessler, author of The John Lennon Series host their lively "Best Beatles Books of 2021" show. (Number) Nine distinguished Beatles experts from all over the world discuss their new Beatles books and give you the inside track on getting these books and how to follow the authors on social media. You'll hear from Dr. Kenneth Womack of John Lennon 1980 and Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and the End of The Beatles, Janice Mitchell of My Ticket To Ride, Bruce Spizer of The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine, Debbie Greenberg of Cavern Club: The Inside Story, John Borack of The Beatles 100, Olivia Savvas and Michael X. Savvas, One Dream Ago: The Beatles' South Australian Connections, Leslie Cavendish of The Cutting Edge: The Story of The Beatles' Hairdresser Who Defined an Era, David Stark of It's All Too Much, and last, (but FAR from least) Jim Berkenstadt whose best-seller The Beatle Who Vanished (the story of Jimmie Nicol) is being made into a full-length feature film...and whose new book Mysteries in the Music: Case Closed is destined to be a sure hit! Meet each of these noted authors and get the quick scoop on their excellent books for your holiday shopping! Shine on and Happy Holidays!