
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Al Sussman Takes a Bite Out of the Apple Corps
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
When do you think The Beatles first imagined Apple? And what was the original motivation behind their late Sixties business? The answers might surprise you! Join us as Recipe Records author, Lanea Stagg, and John Lennon Series author, Jude Southerland Kessler sit down with noted historian and Executive Editor of Beatlefan magazine, Al Sussman, to "take a bite out of the Apple Corps." How many divisions of Apple were there...and what did each department achieve? What 3 changes to Apple might have made all aspects of the company as successful as Apple Records? What role did Brian Epstein play in the company? (And yes, he DID play a pivotal role, believe it or not!!) Al Sussman will fill in all the blanks and details for us. Enjoy this informative show, the second podcast in the "She Said She Said" series on The Psychedelic Beatles. (Part 1 is the interview with Beatles' hairstylist Leslie Cavendish, also available on Podbean.)

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
SheSaidSheSaid Interview with John Lennon's friend and artist Helen Anderson
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
If Stu Sutcliffe was John Lennon's best friend at Liverpool College of Art, Helen Anderson was his best female friend. John sought Helen out since she had painted a famous portrait of Lonnie Donegan, and the two became constant companions. Helen was also, throughout her life, an intimate friend of Cynthia Lennon, and the true insider stories that Helen tells could not be told by anyone else. In 1963, Helen returned to Liverpool from an exciting art career in Rome, and she established an art and designer apparel shop in Bold Street, creating and selling the signature cap that John Lennon always wore. Today, after a very successful career as a designer for TV shows such as "Dallas," Helen has her own design website, https://www.helenandersondesigns.com as she continues to create unique, fun, brilliant Beatles-themed T-shirts and John Lennon caps. To learn more about the REAL lives of John and Cyn, listen to this fast-paced, happy interview! You will love Helen as much as John and Cyn did! Co-hosts Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series and Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series certainly did!

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
SheSaidSheSaid Interview with Beatles Stylist Leslie Cavendish
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Leslie Cavendish, trained in London by Vidal Sassoon as a master stylist (truly an artist), became not only The Beatles' personal stylist, but also their trusted friend. He developed their post-Fabs look during the later Beatle years. They set him up in his own salon near the Apple Boutique. His days were spent in the Apple offices, and he was a member of the Magical Mystery Tour Bus! When George Harrison invited the Hell's Angels to Apple, they stayed in Leslie's home! Leslie, with his own wry humor and delightful personality, will tell you true Beatles stories you've NEVER heard before? Which Beatle was called "The Headmaster" and couldn't sit still for a haircut? What were the earliest days of Yoko's presence in Apple like? How did Jane Asher figure into Leslie's career? This is a riveting interview. And his book, The Cutting Edge, is even better. Enjoy!

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Elephants Memory's Boss BassMan, Gary Van Scyoc
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
What was it like playing bass for John Lennon and Yoko Ono during New York City's most politically active days of the early 1970s? Gary Van Scyoc has all the true and unedited stories!!!
Gary was an integral part of the Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band that backed John and Yoko on "Some Time in New York City" and performed live with them at the Filmore East, on the "Dick Cavett Show," the "Mike Douglas Show," and for Geraldo Rivera's "One to One" charity concert in Madison Square Gardens!
Gary talks about working with the unpredictable Phil Spector, the dedicated Ono, and most of all, with veritable "work horse," John Lennon, whose vision for "Some Time in New York City" was waaaay ahead of its day!! This is a fascinating interview between Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series, Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series, https:www.johnlennonseries.com and Gary Van Scyoc! Don't miss it!

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Elephants Memory’s Boss BassMan, Gary Van Scyoc
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
What was it like playing bass for John Lennon and Yoko Ono during New York City's most politically active days of the early 1970s? Gary Van Scyoc has all the true and unedited stories!!!
Gary was an integral part of the Plastic Ono Elephants Memory Band that backed John and Yoko on "Some Time in New York City" and performed live with them at the Filmore East, on the "Dick Cavett Show," the "Mike Douglas Show," and for Geraldo Rivera's "One to One" charity concert in Madison Square Gardens!
Gary talks about working with the unpredictable Phil Spector, the dedicated Ono, and most of all, with veritable "work horse," John Lennon, whose vision for "Some Time in New York City" was waaaay ahead of its day!! This is a fascinating interview between Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series, Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series, https:www.johnlennonseries.com and Gary Van Scyoc! Don't miss it!

Saturday Feb 13, 2021
SheSaidSheSaid talks with John Lennon's Sister, Julia Baird
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series and Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series sit down with Director of Cavern Tours, Liverpool, and John Lennon’s sister, Julia Baird for a lively and revealing chat. Julia discusses her Strawberry Fields Project which reaches out to children with special needs and has had a transformative affect on her hometown of Liverpool. She briefly discusses Paul McCartney and George Harrison. And then, she talks at length about her childhood and teen years with her famous brother, John Lennon, and her beloved mother, Julia Stanley Lennon. Julia, who inspired John to become a musician and form a band, was a talented musician and a woman “ahead of her time,” in her daughter’s words, and you will discover what she means in this heart-felt, sincere, and emotional conversation. Julia Baird is an incredible lady - a teacher, the author of two books (including her latest, Imagine This), a business director, and now…a city-transformer who will speak to your heart. Julia knows John Lennon as no other, and here, she shares her life story with you.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
She Said She Said: Best Beatles-Inspired Media of 2020
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Yes, there was GOOD in 2020...especially in The Beatles World! Hosts Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series and Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series selected six of the most outstanding Beatles-inspired media of 2020 and sat down to chat with the creators. You'll hear from noted author (Long and Winding Roads: The Evolving Artistry of The Beatles, Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer, George Martin, and many others), Dr. Ken Womack, talking about his brilliant new book John Lennon 1980. Then, author and filmmaker, Jim Berkenstadt, fills us in on the new film that's being made from his best-seller, The Beatle Who Vanished on the life of drummer Jimmie Nicol. Nicole drummed for The Beatles in June of 1964 when Ringo was ill. The story is exciting! Then, Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame lead guitarist for The Cars, Elliot Easton, joins Jude and Lanea to talk about his super-group, The Empty Hearts. The blockbuster band has just released The Empty Hearts Second Album, with Ringo Starr on drums during one number! You'll love this! Next up, Sirius XM's Tom Frangione announces his brand new Channel 18 (The Beatles Channel) weekly radio program, "Way Beyond Compare" that breaks down rare and unheard Beatles songs. And distinguished author, Bruce Spizer, who has published 13 books on The Beatles shares the scoop from his latest Beatles Album Series, The Beatles Finally Let It Be. Bruce has always been a best-seller with works such at The Beatles are Coming! and The Beatles for Sale on Parlophone Records. This new book is no exception! And last but not least, author Andrew Grant Jackson drops by to talk about The Beatles solo careers in his hot new book, 1973: Music at the Crossroads. He also covers the work of The Stones, The Who, Aerosmith, and many more! There's so much to enjoy on this "Best of 2020" episode of "She Said She Said."

Friday Aug 14, 2020
The Night The Beatles Met Elvis from first-hand account of Ivor Davis
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Ivor Davis, foreign correspondent for London's Daily Express was one of only two journalists who were permitted in Elvis's Beverly Hills mansion the Aug. 1965 evening that The Beatles came to call on The King! Ivor sits down with John Lennon Series author, Jude Southerland Kessler, and takes listeners moment-by-historic-moment through the events of that occasion. You'll be there when Elvis threatens to "go to bed" if the boys won't talk, when the five musicians jam, and when Elvis introduces The Beatles to Priscilla. Then, travel with The Beatles down to San Diego for a concert and finally, to the Hollywood Bowl. You will love this one-of-a-kind account by Ivor Davis of The Beatles in America, 1965.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Angie and Ruth McCartney Rock "She Said She Said"
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Share a fun, uplifting hour with Paul McCartney's lovely step-mother, Angie McCartney, and half-sister, Ruth McCartney, as they chat with Recipe Records author, Lanea Stagg, and John Lennon Series author, Jude Southerland Kessler. Reminiscing about the McCartney's happy days in the Bahamas with The Beatles as the boys made "Help!" in 1965, and the extraordinary fifth birthday Ruth celebrated there, these two extremely joyful ladies open their hearts. They talk honestly about the value of positive thinking, in line with Jim McCartney's motto of "Toler and Moder" (Tolerance and Moderation). Angie's new book, Your Mother Should Know (With Interruptions from Daughter Ruth) is previewed...and what delightful stories there are about each of The Beatles! And the "meant to be" story of how Mrs. McCartney's Teas came into being and Mrs. McCartney's Wines grew from an idea into an industry will inspire you! No matter how "down" you are, this show will make you smile! Learn more about these great ladies at MrsMcCartneysTeas.com And don't forget to visit https://www.laneastagg.com for a sneak peek at the RecipeRecordsSeries and to learn more about The JohnLennonSeries.com by reading sample chapters of the 4 exciting books (thus far) in The John Lennon Series. Get ready: love, love, love is on the way!

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Former Beatle Chas Newby on "She Said She Said"
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
In December 1960, when The Beatles returned from their first gig in Hamburg, Germany, their bass player, Stuart Sutcliffe, remained behind. So they invited talented bass player, Chas Newby, to join the group. Chas was with The Beatles for two weeks and witnessed the "turning point" in the lads' career - Tuesday, 27 December 1960 - when Beatlemania erupted for the very first time! Join Jude Southerland Kessler of The John Lennon Series and Lanea Stagg of The Recipe Records Series as they chat with Chas about that fateful night, his time with The Beatles, the role of John Lennon in the early band, and what happened after Newby left the Fab Four. This fun and lively conversation will take you back to the early days when "Merseyside punters" (Liverpool fans) thought The Beatles were a German group and the boys were poised on the brink of great success!